Before running the set-up code chunk for this assignment, make sure you have installed the
library by running this line of code in the RStudio Console:install.packages("plotly")
In this assignment you will develop a model to study the effect of different variables on price of used cars.
Make sure to answer these questions using full sentences and paragraphs, and proper spelling and punctuation.
Read the About the dataset section to get some background information on the dataset that you’ll be working with. Each of the below exercises are to be completed in the provided spaces within your starter file car_prices.Rmd
. Then, when you’re ready to submit, follow the directions in the How to submit section below.
This dataset was sourced from Kulper (2008), who collected data on car prices from Kelly Blue Book for hundreds of used GM cars sold in 2005. When you run the setup code chunk, the dataset will be loaded into you environment and store in a variable called car_prices
Variable | Description |
Price | Suggested retail price of the used 2005 GM car. |
Mileage | number of miles the car has been driven |
Make | manufacturer of the car such as Saturn, Pontiac, and Chevrolet |
Model | specific models for each car manufacturer such as Ion, Vibe, Cavalier |
Trim (of car) | specific type of car model such as SE Sedan 4D, Quad Coupe 2D |
Type | body type such as sedan, coupe, etc. |
Cylinder | number of cylinders in the engine |
Liter | a more specific measure of engine size |
Doors | number of doors |
Cruise | indicator variable representing whether the car has cruise control (1 = cruise) |
Sound | indicator variable representing whether the car has upgraded speakers (1 = upgraded) |
Leather | indicator variable representing whether the car has leather seats (1 = leather) |
You may find it helpful to refer back to our earlier modeling assignment (Assignment 5 on modeling blood pressure) where we first encountered many of the methods we will use in this assignment.
You must answer written questions with full sentences (and paragraphs where appropriate).
answer file to load the car_prices
dataset.The car_prices
dataset contains both continuous and categorical variables.i. There are 2 continuous variables in this dataset. Price
is one of them. What is the other? (Hint: there are many numerical variables, but most of them are categorical. Which of the numerical variables can contain any number, instead of one of a fixed set of numbers.)ii. A third variable, Liter
, may look like it is continuous, but it is actually categorical. Let’s create some scatter plots to look at the relationship between Price
(the response variable, y) and two possible explanatory variables (Liter
and the variable that you identified in part i.).To do this, follow these steps:
function, where you should pivot the Liter
variable and the continuous variable you just identified (not Price
). This will transform these two columns into names and values columns (you can either name these something appropriate or just use the default names).Price
on the y-axis and the value column on the x-axis, and use facet_wrap
to create subplots for the two pivoted columns by faceting over the key column (supply the scales = "free_x"
argument to the facet_wrap
function to scale each plot appropriately).Here is a code template to guide you:
car_prices %>% pivot_longer(...) %>% ggplot() + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = ..., y = ...)) + facet_wrap(~..., scales = "free_x") + labs(title="...")
When trying to create a chain of multiple functions like this, it’s a good idea to go one step at a time and make sure the output of each step looks correct before writing the code for the next step in the chain. For example, make sure that
is working correctly before adding in the code to create the graph.
You should note that while Price
is correlated with Liter
, all points occur at certain values of Liter
(unlike the continuous variable in the other subplot). This makes Liter
a categorical variable.However, because Liter
is numeric and because it is correlated with Price
, we will treat Liter
as a continuous variable in our model for the purposes of this assignment.Commit your work at the end of this exercise.
function, create a multivariate model with:
as the response variable (y)Liter
and the continuous variable that you identified in Exercise 1 as the two explanatory variables (x)This should be a “parallel slopes” model with no interaction term (i.e. you should separate the explanatory variables with a +
symbol).Store this model in a new variable called continuous_model
.Then report the model coefficients (i.e. slope and intercept) using the tidy
function, and the R2 value using the glance
function.What does the R2 value tell us about how good this model is at explaining variation in Price
(Optional reading) But what about the p-value?
function reports a p-value for our linear regression model. You might be wondering what this means, what our null & alternative hypotheses are, and whether a p-value of < 0.05 means something “significant”.Unfortunately, the p-value of a linear model does not tell us anything about how well our model fits the data. The null hypothesis of a linear regression is that there is no relationship between the explanatory and response variables. In other words, the null hypothesis is a horizontally flat line, and the p-value is the probability that the data come from such a model. Thus a significant p-value (p < 0.05) means that we can reject this null hypothesis and fit a linear model, but says nothing about how good our fitted linear model actually is (because the p-value is for the horizontal line, not for our actual model).We will learn about linear model p-values in the Advanced Inference module.
Commit your work.
file and run it (you may have to first install the plotly
library by running this line in the RStudio Console: install.packages("plotly")
# predict model plane over values lit <- unique(car_prices$Liter) mil <- unique(car_prices$Mileage) grid <- with(car_prices, expand.grid(lit, mil)) d <- setNames(data.frame(grid), c("Liter", "Mileage")) vals <- predict(continuous_model, newdata = d) # form surface matrix and give to plotly m <- matrix(vals, nrow = length(unique(d$Liter)), ncol = length(unique(d$Mileage))) p <- plot_ly() %>% add_markers( x = ~car_prices$Mileage, y = ~car_prices$Liter, z = ~car_prices$Price, marker = list(size = 1) ) %>% add_trace( x = ~mil, y = ~lit, z = ~m, type="surface", colorscale=list(c(0,1), c("yellow","yellow")), showscale = FALSE ) %>% layout( scene = list( xaxis = list(title = "mileage"), yaxis = list(title = "liters"), zaxis = list(title = "price") ) ) if (!is_pdf) {p}
The output should be a 3D plot! Each variable in the model forms an exis of the plot. The data is shown as blue points, and the model is shown as a yellow plane (the flat surface). This plane tells us the predicted price for any value of the 2 explanatory variables.By examining and rotating the 3D plot, how well does the model seem to fit the data? From the 3D graph, can you tell if the model is meeting the 3 assumptions of the linear model. Is it easier to see what’s going on with a 2D univariate model or a 3D multivariate model?
The problem with dimensions
A univariate linear model (1 response & 1 explanatory variable), occupies a 2-D space in which the linear model is a straight line.For every additional explanatory variable that we add to the model, the number of dimensions also increases. With 3 dimensions we can still just about visualize the original data (although not as simply as with 2D!). But if we added another explanatory variable, we would need a 4 dimensional space (aka. hyperdimensional space) to plot the model (and the model would be a 4-D “plane”, also known as a “hyperplane”).Because we are not able to visualize anything over 3 dimensions, we need to create 2-D plots to inspect the performance of the model and see whether it meets the 3 assuptions of the linear model. No matter how many variables our model has, these 3 plots:
- observed vs. predicted
- residuals vs. observed
- Q-Q plot
will always have 2 dimensions, which is why they are so useful.
Commit your work.
, calculate the predicted y values and residuals for every data point in the car_prices
dataset. To do this, you will need to use the add_predictions
and add_residuals
functions that you learned about in the first modeling assignment.You should save the output dataframe (containing the new columns pred
and resid
) as a new variable called continuous_df
.Commit your work.continuous_df
. Recall that this plots the actual y values (the “observed” y values, i.e. the real Price
values) on the y-axis, versus the model’s predicted y values (i.e. the pred
column) on a scatter plot (using the geom_point()
function).Don’t forget to add a reference line to the scatter plot using geom_abline
. In an observed vs predicted plot, the reference line has a slope of 1 and an intercept of 0. This is because if our model was perfect, then the predicted y values would be exactly equal to the observed y values, and so all the points would lie on a line with a slope of 1 that goes through the origin (0,0). geom_abline
can be used with slope
and intercept
arguments – as these are fixed values, they do not need to go inside an aesthetic function.Also remember to add appropriate axis labels and a title.Here is a code template to get you started:
continuous_df %>% ggplot() + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = ..., y = ...)) + geom_abline(slope = ..., intercept = ...) + labs(...)
What does this graph tells about the linear model’s assumption of linearity?Commit your work.
column) on the y-axis and the predicted y values (i.e. the pred
column) on the x-axis.Don’t forget to add a reference line. In this case, the reference line is a horizontal line at y = 0.Also remember to add appropriate axis labels and a title. Here is a code template to get you started:
continuous_df %>% ggplot() + geom_point(...) + geom_hline(...) + labs(...)
What does this graph tells about the linear model’s assumption of constant variability in the residuals?Commit your work.
and geom_qq_line
geom functions (and remember to add an appropriate title – you can leave the axis labels as their default values for this graph).Recall that the Q-Q plot shows where the residuals for each data point would be distributed if they were drawn from a theoretical normal distribution, versus the actual distribution of residuals. The sample
argument in the aes()
function should be the resid
column.You can leave the default title and axis labels. Here is a code template to get you started:
continuous_df %>% ggplot() + geom_qq(aes(sample = ...)) + geom_qq_line(aes(sample = ...))
What does this graph tell you about the linear model’s assumption that the residuals are nearly normally distributed?Commit your work.
In this exercise, we will look at the first problem: visualization.When we have a categorical explanatory variable, it is often a good idea to use box plots to visualize the distribution in each category.Copy this code into your Rmd file to create box plots of the differences in price between different values of the Make
car_prices %>% ggplot() + geom_boxplot(aes(x = Make, y = Price)) + labs(x = "Make of car", title = "Effect of make of car on price")
It will be easier to see what is happening if we order the categories. To do so, replace x=Make
with x = reorder(Make, Price, FUN=median)
. This will order the categories of Make
by the median of Price
in each category.How should you interpret a box plot? (Note that the box plot in this image has been rotated 90 degrees compared to your box plot – the “x axis” here corresponds to Price
in your plot)
that is more than 1.5 * IQR is classified as an outlier and drawn as a circle.Using the boxplot of the Make
and Price
variables that you created in your Rmd file, answer the following questions:i. Which make of car has the lowest median price?ii. Which make of car has the greatest interquartile range of prices?iii. Which makes of cars have outliers?Commit your work.
dataset (you can omit Liter
, which we are treating as continuous). There are two methods to do this (you can pick either):
function to collect all the categorical variables into names and values columns, and then facet over the newly created key column. Here is a code template to get you started:
car_prices %>% pivot_longer( cols = ..., names_to="name", values_to="value", values_transform = list(value = 'factor') ) %>% ggplot() + geom_boxplot(aes(x = ..., y = ...)) + facet_wrap(~names, scales = "free_x") + labs(title = "...")
, as we did in the previous exercise.fig.width
for the code chunk to increase the graph size.Commit your work.
, Type
, and Cylinder
variables look like promising candidates to add to our model. However, first we need to make a small change to the Cylinder
column.In our first model, we treated Liter
as a continuous variable, even though it was actually categorical. We could do the same with the Cylinder
variable, but in the box plot you created in the previous question it does not look like there is a linear relationship between Cylinder
and Price
. Therefore we will tell R that Cylinder
is not a continuous number, but actually a categorical number (which R calls a factor).To do this, and the following code chunk to your RMarkdown file and run it to create the new cars_factor_df
cars_factor_df <- car_prices %>%
mutate(Cylinder = as.factor(Cylinder))
i. Now create a linear model using 5 explanatory variables: Mileage
, Liter
, Cylinder
, Make
, & Type
. Make sure to use the new cars_factor_df
dataframe in the lm
function.Store the new model in a variable called mixed_model
.ii. Calculate (and show) the model coefficients (slopes and intercept) using the tidy
function.Take a look at the coefficients for the categorical variables. You should observe that there are actually “slopes” for (almost) all the categories in each of the categorical variables.For example, the Liter
variable has a single slope because we treated it as a continuous variable. However the Cylinder
variable actually has two coefficients: Cylinder6
and Cylinder8
. Each of these give the effect of that particular value of the variable (6 or 8) on the predicted price.
What happened to 4 cylinder cars?
Internally, R converts the column of
values into two columns which contains either a 1 or a 0. A value of 1 in theCylinder8
column means that this car has 8 cylinders, 0 means it does not.What happened toCylinder4
(the possible other value ofCylinder
was 4)? Well, we don’t need it because it would be redundant. If a car has neither 6 or 8 cylinders (i.e. it has a 0 in both theCylinder6
and theCylinder8
columns), then logically it must be the only remaining category. Therefore, we always need one fewer new columns that the number of categories in the original factor.
iii. Calculate (and show) the R2 value using the glance()
function.Commit your work.
dataframe to add columns holding predictions and residuals calculated using the mixed_model
model from Exercise 10, and save it in a new variable called mixed_df
.ii. Using mixed_df
, create an observed vs. predicted plot.iii. Using mixed_df
, create a residuals vs. predicted plot.iv. Using mixed_df
, create a Q-Q plot.Commit your work.Price
(R2) and whether either model violates any of the linear model’s three assumptions. Refer back to you graphs and calculations as necessary.ii. Which model would you prefer to use if you were picking a car? Justify your conclusion using your answers to part (i) of this exercise.Commit your work.