I. Identify the kind of causality intended by the following statements. Is the cause a sufficient condition, necessary condition, or both sufficient and necessary condition?
★1. Throwing a brick through a window will cause the window to break.
2. Heating an iron rod causes it to expand.
3. Slashing an inflated automobile tire with a knife will cause it to go flat.
★4. Releasing the shutter of a digital camera causes an image to appear on the sensor.
5. Pulling the trigger of a gun causes it to fire.
6. Wetting litmus paper with an acid causes it to turn red. EXERCISES 561 562 CHAPTER 10 Causality and Mill’s Methods 10
★7. Pouring water on a wood fire will cause it to be extinguished.
8. Eating contaminated food will cause one to become ill.
9. Stretching a spring causes it to exert an opposing force.
★10. Flipping the wall switch to the “up” position causes the overhead lights to go on