1. Analyze the narrative structure of Frankenstein. What is the structure? How is it unique? Why does Shelley use this structure? How does it affect the readers’ understanding of the novel? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

2. Why is there such a startling absence of mothers in Frankenstein? Where do you see these absences? How is this relevant to the role of women in the novel? How is it relevant to the role of men? What is the overall effect? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

3. Blake aimed to show “Two contrary states of the human soul” through his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Discuss and analyze how he successfully does this in both versions of “The Chimney Sweeper” OR “The Nurses Song”. Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

4. Romantic poets greatly valued nature. Select two poems we have read so far and discuss in detail how nature is foundational to them. How is nature represented in the poems? Is the representation consistent or does it change? What is the purpose of this/these representation(s)? What is the overall effect? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

When you quote, you need to cite the source of your information. Citing, on the other hand, represents the idea or theory behind the quote and not the exact words. You need to quote, but NOT cite

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