Prepare a paper on a Company you have chosen to describe and explore how the elements of leadership affect company culture and the success or failure on an organization.
The paper should be broad enough and deep enough to thoroughly explain the details of the methods and the differing impacts they have. This should be written as a research paper of original thought. Be sure to cite and annotate your sources and references.
Other students did their papers on companies like Publix, Google, Coca-Cola, and one private company. The important thing to remember is to choose a company that is either very well known so that you can more easily do research on it, or, a company you are personally familiar with. If you search for a company and look for results on their company culture and/or leadership style, you should find plenty of things to give you ideas on what to report. The essence of the report should be to describe the way the company is run and how that influences its success.