Analyze the Class Data Set using SPSS to answer the questions below. Hand in a brief written report with relevant sections of your SPSS output pasted in. The SPSS sections for each chapter posted on NYU Classes and given out in class will be helpful, as well as the documents on Recoding variables.
Gender: 1 = female 2 = male
MaProg: I/O = 1 General =2 Others = 3 (MaProg = Masters Program = are they in Industrial/Organizational I/O, General program or Other Program)
Major: Psych =1 Business = 2 Social Sciences = 3 Others = 4 (Major = what is their undergraduate major)
GREMath = math portion of the GRE standardized test 0-1000
SPSSEXPERIENCE = How much experience do you have with SPSS? Scale of 1(low) to 10 (high)
MathFear = How much fear of math do you have? 0 (low) to 10 (high)
StatsLiking =How much do you like Statistics? 0 (low) to 10 (high)
Height = in inches
Age = in years
Commute = Time in minutes to commute to work
BeforePrepCourse = 0 (low) to 10 (high) proficiency in statistics before taking a preparation course
AfterPrepCourse = 0 (low) to 10 (high) proficiency in statistics after taking a preparation course
Put a written summary APA style using the APA template on Brightspace. Only statistically significant findings should be reported APA style. Non-significant findings should simply be mentioned as not significant. You can put summary tables of the SIGNIFICANT ONLY results here if you want. Please DO NOT put the ENTIRE statistics output in the front, that should go in the back.
Make sure you organize your document to look neat and clean.
Upload everything in ONE PDF document
Do not include the raw data.
Include ALL statistics at the end with the output of all the statistics.
Change ALL labels to names in the output so when I look at the statistical output there is a label name, and not a number.
Perform independent samples t – tests on all 10 of the quantitative variables (both interval and ordinal) with the new recoded data in a below. Report APA STYLE the results of any test that is significant at the .05 level. DO NOT REPORT NON SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS when WRITING UP – but do include ALL the statistics IN THE BACK with WRITE UP IN THE FRONT (50 pts).
Create and recode a grouping variable for the first t-testchanging MAJOR into “Psych or Nonpsych” as the two groups to compare.
Make sure to get all relevant DESCRIPTIVE statistics – means, standard deviations, n’s for the for each of the 10 dependent variables BY GROUP (Psych and Nonpsych).
Perform10 t-tests.
Make sure you look at Levene’s test and use the appropriate t test (pooled or separate variance for the t-tests you interpret).
Did you have to use the separate variances t –test rows for any of the tests?
If yes, explain why, and if no, explain why.
Make sure to get and interpret Cohen’s d for (“d = xx”) for each of the 10 t-tests. What does this tell you in conjunction with each significance test?
Write up APA style with the write up in the front and the tables in the back. Include means, effect size, p value and confidence intervals .DO NOT write up non-significant effects.
Perform independent samples t – tests on all 10 of the quantitative variables (both interval and ordinal) with the new recoded data in a below. Report APA STYLE the results of any test that is significant at the .05 level. DO NOT REPORT NON SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS when WRITING UP – but do include ALL the tables IN THE BACK with WRITE UP IN THE FRONT. (50 pts)
Create and recode a grouping variable changing MAPROG into “I/O and NON I/O” as the two groups to compare.
Make sure to get all relevant DESCRIPTIVE statistics – means, standard deviations, n’s for for each of the 10 interval ratio dependent variables BY GROUP (I/O and NonI/O).
Perform10 t-tests.
Make sure you look at Levene’s test and use the appropriate t test (pooled or separate variance for the t-tests you interpret).
Did you have to use the separate variances t –test rows for any of the tests?
If yes, explain why, and if no, explain why.
Get and interpret Cohen’s d for (“d = xx”) for each of the 10 t-tests. What does this tell you in conjunction with each significance test?
Write up APA style with the write up in the front and the tables in the back. Include means, effect size, p value and confidence intervals .DO NOT write up non-significant effects.