Each student will select and profile a company of interest (e.g., Amazon, Disney, etc.) from the literature in a professional business periodical/publication, or Internet (Company) Web Site, and/or personal interview(s).

The paper will summarize the concepts covered in the sources used and suggest how they may be applied in a management setting of interest to the student.

Papers are to be 3-4 pages maximum length, double spaced, and saved using Microsoft Word format. Cover page should include Course Info Your Name, Name of Company Profiled, and Date of Submission).

In the Intro paragraph state “up-front” the primary source(s) of information used to write your paper. Also, introduce the company profiled with background on their primary purpose/mission, operating locations and location of the company headquarters, total number of current employees, current serving C.E.O./President, and current (most recent) available financial performance, In the body (narrative) of the paper summarize any competitive advantage(s) in niche markets of this company, current or planned (growth) initiatives, business reputation, workplace climate, or other unique aspects about this company.

In the conclusion area, state your opinion regarding the overall business effectiveness of this company, and if you would like to work for the company as profiled. Upload the completed paper to the Canvas course (Assignments) site by the due date in the course syllabus.

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