Answer the following questions in a Word document, using the provided datasheet (You may use SPSS or MS Excel for your analyses):
Write a statistical summary of patients’ demographical characteristics (i.e., age, gender, marital and deprivation status). (2 marks)
Prepare a summary report of baseline health status of the included subjects (i.e., diabetes duration, body weight or BMI, drug use durations, smoking and alcohol consumption). Report appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion with proper visual illustrations. (4 marks)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a serious health problem that affects many individuals.
Is there any difference between gender groups in terms of NAFLD status? Use crosstabulation with proportions in your answer. (2 marks)
Would you be able to notice a significant difference in terms of diabetes duration and patients’ NAFLD status? (2 marks)