RST explore the UN’s Good Health and Wellbeing page to learn a bit about some targets for Good Health and Wellbeing NEXT, select (a) a music video, (b) a piece of parasocial communication (e.g., a tiktok video), or (c) a conversation you had with a friend, family member or colleague that relates to/addresses good health/wellbeing. THEN, you will use terms from our course text book to analyze your music video, parasocial artifact, or conversation to help us better understand the nuances that are contained in it.
For example: Was something misunderstood? Were there power imbalances at play? Were there layers to the language being deployed? What kind of influence did culture have? Was it a parasocial relationship, a close friend, a family member and how did that have an impact? The key here will be to select your communication artifact strategically: usually it is easier to write a paper about a topic where there is an issue to be resolved or a conflict presented. This will give you an opening for analysis and intervention!