Once you have completed defining the problem in a way that is manageable, you
will evaluate possible solutions. This, too, will require you to conduct research.
First you need to list all the possible solutions, and then analyze each in terms of
cost and benefits of implementing them. How long will it take to implement? Who
has to be involved in implementing? These are among the many considerations
you will need to review in coming up with a solution. Remember, one thing that
needs some tightening is the “owner” of the problem, so that you have someone
to whom you can address your presentation. Will it be the state legislature? If so, which regulations will you focus on, knowing that hunting is something that many in this state will fight to protect?
You will write Essay 2 about the solution and how you selected it, comparing and
contrasting it with the solutions you discarded as a result of your research.
PSC 215 Essay 2 Grading Rubric: Your Solution
PROVOCATIVE (200 points max.)
Proposed Solution (125 points max.)
You clearly identified the problem you discussed in Essay 1.
You clearly identified the local government entity who “owns” the problem.
You clearly identified the community impacted by the problem.
You clearly identified the solution you are advocating to resolve the problem.
You briefly discuss why the solution is the best choice to resolve the problem.
Your use of No Blame Problem Solving is evident in your choice of solution.
You briefly discuss discarded solutions.
You applied information from the units to all of the above.
Your essay, (excluding titles, headers, and references) does not exceed 5%
Sources and Style (50 points max.)
Resources (25 points max.)
You used the required number of academic sources.
You included information from a community resource in your analysis.
Your sources are current.
Your sources are credible and all have been used in your analysis.
Citations and References – APA Style (25 points max.)
All necessary in–text citations are in your essay.
All in–text citations are properly cited using APA style.
All of your sources are included among your references.
All of your sources are properly formatted using APA style.
Mechanics (25 points max.)
Organization and Writing (12.5 points max.)
Your essay is written entirely using the third–person point of view.
Your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are flawless.
Your essay is well–organized and your ideas transition logically.
Your writing is cohesive and comprehensible.