Question 1 – The Chemistry of Fireworks!

review the attached YouTube video.

The objective of this assignment is to summarize and to analyze the chemistry of fireworks in the context of elemental analysis.

What is your favorite color or color combination of firework? Do a deep dive into how this color is created and discuss the key chemical principles at play.

As part of this assignment, students should research and briefly introduce other applications of this fascinating and colorful phenomenon.

This submission should be 1-page or greater, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins.


Question 2 – The Real World Applications of Stoichiometry

review the attached links for additional learning opportunities on stoichiometry.

The objective of this assignment is to discuss real world applications of stoichiometry.

Specifically, students are tasked with choosing a real world application and detailing the value of stoichiometry to this application.

The ideal submission will prepare sample calculations as a demonstration.

This submission should be 1-page or greater, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins.



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