Complete Short Tasks for Business Career Course


Share the vision and mission statement and values for your program.

PROGRAM: HEAD START DIRECTOR/TEACHER Be as concise as possible. Three C’s of an effective mission and vision statement are that it should be: clear, concise, and compelling Consider the following questions when writing your statements: Mission Statement: (25 words or less) Consider the population to be served, what are their needs? What are the long term goals or desired results of your program? What are your program’s objectives or tasks you wish to accomplish? This concise list should include words such as support, provide, advocate, help, offer, and assist. Who are your key team members? What are their previous accomplishments? Vision statement: How will you reach your accomplishment? Share three to five characteristics you desire that your program reflect that will distinguish it from others (culture, staff, families, curriculum, governance and discipline policies). What are your Core Values: (50 words or less) Everyone has a personal philosophy of education which is based upon your personal values, list seven of yours. Your assumptions about the nature of the student, teacher and the educational process will greatly influence your program’s goals and objectives.
Microsoft Word document-typed, double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides, 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Include a title page with a page header (also known as the “running head”) and page number at the top of every page. See for more information. Please upload APA style Microsoft Word document and click turn in.


Methods, Activities, Programs, Practices Program Type Target Audience Legal Structure Philosophy Objectives
Conduct a Feasibility Study Location Demographics Market Share Projections Identify the number of licensed programs in your zip code or county, then the number of children that need care in your area-Brief feasibility study using Georgia Child Care Market Rate Survey data data and compare to the U.S Census Quick Facts. What is your MAPP pp. 58-59? Please upload APA style Microsoft Word document and click turn in.


Download and review the data on supply and demand
The People  Children under 6 with parents in the work force  Child Care costs, family incomes  Child Care Supply and Demand
Post certification that you have reviewed this data. (Simply state in word document you have reviewed the data)


Review the Legal Structure, Philosophy, and Learning Theories topics 1. Define the eight learning theories. 2. Identify the learning theories that are aligned with your program’s goals. 3. Identify a curriculum that implements learning activities based upon one of the listed theories.

Please upload APA style Microsoft Word document and click turn in.


Develop a parent handbook/family manual that communicates policies and procedures to families. Download the Applicant’s Guide for licensing in order to ensure you cover all the policies required by BFTS (especially in your emergency procedures): You may also use sample policies from the DT manual or handbooks on my site (click the helpful links page). Cover page, table of contents, and page numbers are required. You may use any font that you desire (Arial and TNR are easiest to read). Ages Months Days Hours Holidays Admission requirements Family Agreement Fees Services offered (transportation, drop-in, part-time, etc.) Transportation Emergency Medical Authorizations Guidance and Discipline Techniques


Internet Activity: Planning Parental Collaboration and Participation Thirty years of research confirms that family involvement is a powerful influence on children’s achievement in school (Eagle, 1989; Henderson & Berla, 1994; U.S. Department of Education, 1994; Ziegler, 1987). Log on to the Web site: …. Read the article. Choose one of the topics and summarize the issues that are presented. Discuss why you agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed. How would this information be helpful to a director? (P. Click & K. Karos, 2010)
Submit in essay format with a title page and APA formated reference page.


submit a piece of marketing literature that shows your brand identity. It can be a business card, flyer, or website.

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