Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

Children of divorced parents are at increased risk for negative outcomes. Some of the possible negative outcomes are that children may be affected to the extent that children may not perform well in school. They may even become depressed and lose interest in social activity. Some children feel as though they are the fault and that they are the cause for their parents separation. In order to minimize the effect of divorces on children parents should ensure that children feel loved and are not neglected at any point in time, despite whatever issues are going on. According to the text very few children have the desire to see their parents separate, and children experience the effects of their parents divorce even years after the divorce (Seccombe, 2018). Research also states that there are long term negative consequences of divorce on children, parents, and society as a whole (Anderson, 2014).

Some of the things that can be done to reduce the risk of kids being affected in divorces are; parents should avoid speaking negatively about the other parent. They should also avoid making the child feel as though they have to choose between parents or that they have to take sides during conflicts. I can remember when my parents separated, and even though they were not officially married, it was hard adjusting to the situation. The worst part for me was when my mother didn’t even wait a little before my stepdad was in the picture. I never accepted him up until my early adult life and then when she had my sister, I became a big obstacle. When I was sent away to my grandmothers and aunties, I felt abandoned by both parents. It was good though, because the love I received from my grandmother was enough to last a lifetime. There are somethings that children will never understand when parents get separated. I believe it affects them way beyond childhood. When I got married and had my first child, as I watched how my husband love, cared and is so connected to his child,  an overwhelming grieve came over me, because at that time I realized that my father didn’t love me as much or even cared enough to play a part in my life. The majority of his role was him sending money to take care of me.


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