Biology Genes

Answer the following questions. You may work in your groups, but each person must get spot checked prior to leaving recitation to receive credit. You have 30 minutes to work on these questions, and then the TAs will walk you through the answers.


a) A mutation occurs in the DNA template strand. The mutation changes the original
sequence 5′ CCA 3′ to 5′ CGA 3′. What type of mutation is this?
What is the original (not mutated) mRNA codon? Be sure to include the ectionality (5′

b) A mutation occurs in the DNA templaté strand. The mutation changes the original
sequence 5′ GGT 3′ to 5′ GAT 3′. What type of mutation is this? co A:
3 / 5/ GAT

What is the tRNA anticodon that would bind to the original Codon? Be sure to include
the directionality (5′ & 3′).
A cc 3 A

c) A mutation occurs in the DNA template strand. The mutation changes the original
sequence 5′ GTA 3′ to 5′ TTA 3′. What type of mutation is this?
I ca–e Sl GTA 3
Co What amino acid do the original and mutated codons code for?

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