Watch an episode of television. It might be a classic show or a current shom It might be on a network. on cable. or streaming online. Watch the show fl recommend twice) to observe the use of music, set. and costume. Think about demographic. Who were the ads directed at? Who is the show directed at? Write a three-page paper that deconstructs the show of your choosing. using quotes, and statistical information about the show: where it airs, how long it has run. ratings. etc. Make sure you have a thesis statement that is reflective of what the show “says” or “means” to you. There should be a clear thesis and organization. and the paper should be spell-checked and APA format.
There is a strong symbiotic relationship between international media and sport. Based on the lectures and readings, answer the following questions:
Why is broadcasting so important to international sport? Briefly explain the business model.
Give 3 examples of how new media is changing the face of sport consumption.
What challenges are being faced in the modern media world? Give examples.
Why is “media relations” important to international sport organizations/events? Give examples.
Minimum word count for this question: 300 words (15 pts)
This course emphasizes and demonstrates the revenue generation and business flow aspects of international sport. Based on the lectures and readings, answer the following questions:
Name THREE primary sources of funding in international sport. Briefly explain each.
What is the difference between territorial exclusivity and product exclusivity? Give examples, and illustrate why these are important.
How does public financing play a role in sport?
Minimum word count for this question: 250 words (10 pts)
Describe the global strategy of the NBA and evaluate its effectiveness.
Minimum word count for this question: 150 words (10 pts)
New media is rapidly changing the face of international sport consumption and behaviors. Based on the readings, what are the opportunities and challenges facing big new media entities in entering the international sport field?
Minimum word count for this question: 150 words (10 pts)
What is the economic significance and the benefits for an economy of being involved in sport? Give examples from this course of both tangible and intangible benefits.
Minimum word count for this question: 100 words (5 pts)