Why study entertainment culture? An introduction to the unit and its themes
In block 1 (weeks 26), we look at several key conceptsor theoriesthat can be
used to interpret and analyse entertainment culture. At the end of block 1, you’ll
select one of these theories and use it to analyse an entertainment text of your
choice. But what is theory, and what are texts? Why are they relevant to the study of
entertainment culture?
Important: this unit requires a serious commitment to reading. Reading is hard
work! Set aside time to read essential readings as carefully and slowly as possible.
Complete essential readings prior to attending your tutorial. As you read, make note
of interesting, provocative, or confusing passages or ideas for comment during
discussion. Try to state for yourself the main argument or thesis of each reading, and
if you can’t do that, try to figure out why. Come to class with your copies of the
readings, ready to discuss your notes

Identify, explain, and assess the factors that shape everyday cultural practices and
material conditions of work in the entertainment industries
2. Identify, explain, and assess the factors that shape industry operations, strategic priorities, and decision making
3. Demonstrate the explanatory power and practical value of theories and methods
associated with the production of commercial cultur

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