PSY 314 Homework #1

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a condition that occurs when an infant stops breathing, usually during the night, and dies suddenly without an apparent cause. SIDS remains the highest cause of infant death in the United States, with nearly 3,000 infant deaths annually attributed to SIDS. Spend some time researching the subject and then answer the following questions.

  1. What is SIDS? (25 points)
  2. Who is at risk for SIDS? (25 points)
  3. What causes SIDS? (25 points)
  4. What can parents do to lower the risk of SIDS? (25 points)

Write your answers in paragraph form, no lists. Do not just state facts. Show me in your writing that you understand the issue. Assume that I know nothing about SIDS. Your answers should be at least two pages double spaced APA style..

Write this paper in a file and then upload the file to Turnitin in Moodle. See Moodle for Due Date.

 Late papers will be accepted with a 20 point deduction per day late.

  It is worth 5% of your final grade.


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