Preventing Medication Errors the case of RaDonda Vaught
By the end of this assignment, learner will
•Describe the appropriate processes to follow in the nursing intervention of medication administration (Developing Nursing Judgment).
•Identify the role of nursing and other inter-professional team members in providing for safety and high quality patient care (Developing Teamwork and Collaboration).
•Verbalize increased awareness of medication errors, and state 3 or more ways to improve patient safety in this case study (Developing Nursing Reflection).
•Express individual perspectives and considerations impacting individual honesty and integrity with regard to reporting of medication errors (Developing an Ethical Identity)
Clinical Reflection Questions for Learners
1.Identify at least 5 errors RaDonda made when administrating medication.
2.Identify anyone else who could be at fault in this case and state why.
3.What was RaDonda’s responsibility to monitor the patient after giving the medication?
4.Do you think RaDonda took the correct action once the medication error was identified? Explain your answer.
5.Do you think the hospital took the correct action after the medication error was identified? Explain your answer.
6.Do you think a nurse should be criminally liable for a medication error? Please explain your answer.
7.How does this change your feelings on passing medications to patients?
8.Do you think medication errors are 100% preventable? Why?
9.What will you do in your practice as a nurse to help prevent medication errors?