Answers are based on content rather than length. Limit Your Answers to Exactly One Full Per Question Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages. Be sure to number each answer with the number of the question it relates to.Answer your choice of any three (3) questions.
Your firm has just signed an agreement with a foreign company to manufacture some of your products overseas. What steps should your company take to increase the cross-cultural communications that will be needed if this business plan is to work?
You have been chosen to head your company’s negotiating team that is being sent overseas to negotiate a possible joint venture for manufacturing self-replicating rice cakes. What kind of team should you bring, how should your team prepare for the first bargaining session, and how will you handle any problems that you foresee in these negotiations.
You have been chosen to open a plant in Mexico to manufacture laser powered tortilla steamers. Will American theories of leadership work in this high power distance culture? What are you going to do to effectively lead your workforce?
You have just been named to select and lead a task force of six Americans that is going overseas to start manufacturing self-replicating rice cakes. You and your team will be leaving for your assignment in six months and will be living there for at least three years. What steps will you take before and after your departure to ensure that the transition goes smoothly for you, your task force members, and their families?