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Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to employee retention, development of intellectual capital, and business growth.
Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to employee retention, development of intellectual capital, and business growth.
Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to employee retention, development of intellectual capital, and business growth.
Discuss the steps in the development planning process.
Explain the employees’ and company’s responsibilities in planning development.
Discuss current trends in using formal education for development.
Relate how assessment of personality type, work behaviors, and job performance can be used for employee development.
Explain how job experiences can be used for skill development.
Develop successful mentoring programs.
Describe how to train managers to coach employees.
Discuss what companies are doing to melt the glass ceiling.
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Describe the fundamental pay programs for recognizing employees’ contributions to the organization’s success.
Provide the parents with general information about the1.syndrome, 2.prognosis, and most importantly,3. the genetics behind it. 4.Also include how you would identify this syndrome
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