Details of what you are expected to do
1. Rationale This assignment assesses your ability to critically evaluate contemporary issues in global hospitality industry
2. The learning outcomes being assessed:
ILO 1. Demonstrate an ability to analyse and review critically relevant issues from a variety of perspectives including the wider global environment
ILO 2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the moral, legal and ethical dimensions of issues pertinent to the hospitality and tourism industries
ILO 3. Investigate a variety of sources of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and e-learning media relevant to the hospitality industry
ILO 4. Facilitate controlled and directed discussion of issues appropriate to the topic concerned
ILO 5. Propose recommendations drawn from insight and supported by data as a result of the analysis undertaken
3. Overview of assignment: The role of this individual essay is to provide an in-depth discussion of a contemporary topic, in the context of the global hospitality industry. Although the topics will vary, the essay should aim to:
_ Communicate and illustrate a range of current and well referenced perspectives on the chosen topic, where appropriate using practical examples from the international Hospitality industry
_ Encourage the formation of a logical and well founded opinion and perspectives among the readership (as opposed to uniformed speculation and uninformed generalisations)
_ Demonstrate a creative and logical approach to the subject material and, where appropriate, consider best practice from other industries, countries and cultures;
_ Prioritise aspects of the topic and evaluate a selective amount of material which is pertinent to the topic
_ Exhibit evidence of extensive research using a full, appropriate and contemporary range of sources and materials
_ Provide recommendations and conclude by summarising the key issues discussed on the main body of the essay
This assessment should be formatted in essay style, no headings allowed; on the other hand, students may use figures and tables in text in order to support their arguments. Students do not need any abstract, executive summaries or appendices. The length of the essay should be no less than 2,500 words (_10%), excluding the References List. The submitted document should be professionally presented and include the latest version of the BU style Harvard referencing both in text and the reference list. The document should be also spell-checked and free from grammatical errors
1. Professional structure and organization of the paper: 20%: Clarity of communication; correct or appropriate use of language and grammar, free from spelling errors; Does the paper communicate and illustrate a range of current perspectives on the topic, where appropriate using organisational examples
2. Range, depth, age and appropriateness of materials accessed and selected: 20%: Encourage the formation of logical and well-founded opinions and perspectives amongst the readership as opposed to the uniformed speculation and unsupported generalizations
3. Understanding of the topic demonstrated through a cogent analysis of the topic demonstrated through a cogent analysis of the topic- 30%: Demonstrate a creative but appropriate approach to the subject material, considering, where appropriate, best practice or data from different industries, countries and cultures: Does the essay evaluate or simply copy from the literature with references?
4. Capacity to relate the subject to contemporary organisational or industrial situations- 20%: Provide direct contemporary examples from industry practice or situations; provide international comparators where available, etc.
5. Other 10%: Creativity, enthusiasm, originality, style, innovation, grammar, use of English etc. Demonstrate a creative and appropriate approach to the presentation of material and the stimulation of discussion.
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