How the Manhattan Project and the Atomic bombs were one of the most important technological advancements of war.Discuss

You are to compose a research paper of 5 pages in length addressing your research topic or research question. The paper is to be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins. It will be double-spaced and meet all MLA requirements (Heading, sources, etc). You may not write in first person.

You are to use at least six scholarly sources. One of these sources MUST be a primary source. The paper will be done in MLA format with a proper work cited page AND in-text citations. You also need a works consulted page for any sources you used, but did not cite in the paper.

Your paper needs to have a strong argumentative statement! A strong argumentative statement will answer your research question, will be specific and will take a position the reader may oppose. This statement can be one or two sentences and highlights the main point or argument of your paper. Your argumentative statement needs to be underlined.

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