How many times have you watched American Idol? It has become one of the most popular shows in the country.Families tune in week after week to see how each of the performers evolve and improve. Imagine that you are one of the contestants, and the audio you submitted to the Poetry in Motion Discussion was your audition tape. You have been accepted as a contestant. The next performance you will do will be on the American Idol stage with millions of people tuned in. Here is your assignment:

  • Examine the reviews your peers provided in the Peer Review Discussion.
  • Revise your poem to make it stronger, more focused, more concise.  Carefully consider the structure, sound, and figurative language you have used to enhance your poem.
  • Listen to your “audition” recording to see what you did well and what you can improve.
  • Make a “performance” recording that really shows off your poem.  You can either audio or video record your performance.
  • Write a paragraph or two that describes your inspiration and why you decided to perform your poem the way you did.
  • * To ensure success, examine the Poetry in Motion Rubric to see what your teacher is looking for before you submit your work.
  • Post your recording AND a text copy of your poem AND your explanation paragraph to the Project: Poetry in Motion assignment link for grading.


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