Training Management Process in the Army

Instructions: Write an essay on the relevance of the Training Management Process in the Army. In your essay, include the importance of Rehearsals, Pre-Execution Checks, and After Action Reviews. Also discuss how web-based training supports the Training Management Process.

The essay must be in MLA format, 3 pages. Resources for your essay may include:
Student Handouts from previous relevant coursework
ADP 7-0 Training
FM 6-0 Commander and Staff Organization and Operations
FM 7-0 Train to Win in a Complex World
FM 3-21.10 The Infantry Rifle Company
The Army Training Network (AN)

*NOTE: Additional resources may be used, but must be cited.
The completed essay is due 11OCT22.

Rubric. The Essay will be based on the following criteria:

Analysis (30%): Critical analysis of Training Management Process in the Army. Do you agree with the process? Why or why not? Is the process still relevant to today’s military? Why or why not?

Lessons Learned/Application (30%): What lessons learned did you derive from the content? How would you say you could apply these lessons now or in the future, as a military leader? (Include the importance of Rehearsals, Pre-Execution Checks, and After Action Reviews).

Summation (30%): Be sure to tie in the main points of Training Management (include the intent,
importance, etc).

Grammar (10%): Spelling, content, structure etc.

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