Nineteenth Century Critics and Defenders of Photography

There were prominent 19th century critics of photography as an art form, among them Lady Eastlake and Charles Baudelaire. There were also prominent 19th century defenders of photography as an art form, among them Oliver Wendell Holmes and Nathanial Hawthorne.

Identify two critics and outline their arguments against photography as an art form.
-Name two 19th century defenders of photography as an art form and outline their arguments in favor of photography as an art form.
-Describe and interpret a specific 19th century image in support of each side of this debate (i.e. describe two images total).
Put your image examples in chronological order.

Include the date and media type of each photographic example.

Cite any sources you do use, including your textbook. You must have a works cited page and use in-text citation. Both should be in MLA format Links to an external site..

In-text citation = (Marien 45), where 45 is the page number.

Plagiarism will result in a zero grade.

Your answer to each question should be 450-550 words.

Your audience: non-experts interested in the history of photography.

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