Week 5 Discussion
Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Be professional and constructive in your reply. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations.
1. When it comes to starting a business and the cost we also have to look at the way we are going in the world. Look at the new money structure. Share this video that is so amazing about a cashless society. Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaELQS5kTso
What are some takeaways? Can you see the change possibly happening even in America? What are some of the companies in China? What about the American companies that are making more money in china than in America?
2. In Sweden, 2018 they started implanting chips that are the size of a piece of rice in the hand. Check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2i66ZFC050
How do you feel about this happening?