Select three articles to review. These articles should be related to your subject/topic. You are to fully read the articles so that you can summarize each of the articles.

Step 2

  1. Create a citation header

Each article summary should contain a citation header

  1. citation header is the full reference of the article, as it would appear on the reference page. The citation header should have an hanging indent- see Purdue Owl for visual example (APA Annotated Bibliography)
  2. Write a summary of the article (2-4 paragraphs)- each article should have a min. of 2 paragraph’s of summary content. Each article should be summarized separately.


  1. In the next section write a critique/contrast paragraph. You are to critique/contrast the view points of the articles that you have summarized. In other words, give your opinion on the articles by comparing them to one another. This section comes in the paper at the end, after all summaries have been completed. There should only be one combined Critique and contrast section. Make a header that says critique/contrast.


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