
State the topic you selected and why.

Provide some background information about the topic. Why is it important? Use data to support your argument.
Explain your search and methods – List a minimum of four keywords that you used for your search, the databases you used to perform your search, and how you selected the articles you are reviewing.
Synthesis of the Literature Discussion

Synthesize what you have learned from the articles you have evaluated.
Summarize the overall findings of the articles.
Application to Nursing Practice

Describe how these can be applied to nursing research and practice.

Provide a brief conclusion to wrap up the contents presented in the paper.
Reference Page

Provide a reference page with appropriate APA-formatted citations of all sources used within the paper.
SPECIAL NOTE: You may use the research that you conduct in NURS 410, to help you develop an implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care needs in NURS 485 or NURS 495.

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