DOME: Aviation and Climate (PLG 1)

Develop an essay that consists of an evidence-based argument that supports your positions on how:

aviation impacts climate change, and
climate change impacts aviation.
Utilize mainly information and web-based sources included in the Module 9 Lesson to develop your essay. Supplement your discussion with other reliable sources as needed to support your argument. Include ALL sources used at the end of your essay and cite each source within the essay.

Guidance for Developing your Evidence-Based Argument
The goal is to convince the reader of the validity of your stated position, not to persuade them to agree with you (review Argumentative Writing vs. Persuasive Writing (DOCX)).Download Argumentative Writing vs. Persuasive Writing (DOCX)).

Be sure to clearly state your position, the reasons for your position, and the evidence supporting your position, while acknowledging opposing views and alternative perspectives.

Utilize this Evidence-Based Argument Checklist (PDF) (ReadWriteThink)Links to an external site. to develop your essay:

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