Provide a working title. It does not have to be the final version of your title and you can (but do not have to) submit alternate working titles for feedback.
[Ex: The Role of Technology in the Public Health Challenge of Suicide: Creating Risks and Supporting Prevention]
Include the following in your Introduction:
State the purpose and goal of your paper:
[Ex: The purpose of this paper is to provide and analysis of literature that examines both how technology creates risk via phenomena such as cyberbullying or instructions on suicide methods, as well as how technology can support prevention via 24-hour counseling or peer support access or instructions of how to seek help with encouragement to do so. The goal is to utilize this analysis to offer prosed opportunities to leverage technology to reduce risk and promote prevention. The proposed solutions include technical recommendations as well as human-based implementation, programmatic and policy recommendations as they related to the technical recommendations.]
Why is this topic important to you? For some, it may be a very personal reason. You are welcome, but not required to share that. It does not have to be a deeply personal reason. The topic can relate to work you are already doing or interested in pursuing after graduation, for example.