APA 7th edition.

In the absence of Roe v Wade. Discuss its “impact on nursing” in the state of California. Use California state proposition 1 as well as any ballot measures recently passed by Governor Gavin Newsom which pertains to abortion as resources. (attached as PDF) Please discuss the many ways nursing will be affected, positively and negatively.

Examples: Can nurses be penalized for assisting in abortion of patient from out of state where abortion is illegal?, which ballot measure passed protects this?, Will there be a shortage of nurses due to influx of patients from out of state? How will nurse practitioners in California who work in abortion clinics be affected?

Also, please mention SB1375 (eg. allows nurse practitioners to perform abortion without supervision of MD due to influx of out of state abortion demand)

***Paper needs to be non-biased and fact based.

Websites with great resources provided in PDF uploaded. Please check them out! Please use at least 2 sources, but more are welcomed.

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