1-Your goal is to teach us about 1 aspect of an object chosen by the student. An object is, “a thing that you can see or touch but that is not usually a living animal, plant, or person.”
2-Your speech needs to be 5-6 minutes so time the speech while you are rehearsing. If you are overtime please edit, if you are under timeĀ add more details.
3-VISUAL AIDS ARE REQUIRED. Use a physical or electronic visual aid to help clarify something in your speech. You can also use a visual aid to get attention or add interest to the presentation. Do not put any of your speech on slides.
4-Do not read the speech. You must present the speech with 3 notecards or 1 sheet of paper. Try to be familiar with your content so that you can look at the audience at least 50% of the time. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK FROM YOUR FULL PREPARATION OUTLINE. Present the assignment using your speaking outline (chap 11).
5-You must hand in your full preparation outline and bibliography (typed) BEFORE you speak.
6-All students are required to cite at least 4 sources directly in the speech.
4 main point in the body and sub points
work cited