Post University is proud to have its business school named the Malcolm Baldrige
School of Business. Baldrige was a business and government leader known for
embracing and practicing the highest ethical standards. Self-assessment is a critical
component of the Baldrige Quality process. This assignment requires you to engage in
a reflective process to develop and articulate your thoughts on key concepts covered in
this course.

In a reflective essay, share your observations of your experience learning about business ethics and ethical principles using the following concepts:
o Business ethics.
o Ethical principles.
o Organizational issues.
o Personal and organizational learning.
o Other important features discussed in the course.
o Your learning experience in the course.
o Your areas of greatest or least development or understanding of these

• A Word document, written in first-person “I.”
•5 pages, excluding the Title and Reference page.
• APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works.
• One resource cited, the textbook by Weiss.

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