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Focus in outreach to teens in Durham County, North Carolina to bring awareness to the increased cases of domestic violence among teens-What is the problem?
Focus in outreach to teens in Durham County, North Carolina to bring awareness to the increased cases of domestic violence among teens-What is the problem?
Focus in outreach to teens in Durham County, North Carolina to bring awareness to the increased cases of domestic violence among teens.
Statement of Need
What is the problem?
Give statistics (start with national data, next state data, and local data [if available]).
Give risk factors/behaviors for the health problem.
Give one or two sentences stating what your project proposes to do to address the problem.
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Provide an outline with detail on the method you would use and way you would evaluate a program that is aimed to improve the health of your population.
Prepare a lab report for statisical mechanics. It’s called thermal noise experiment.
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