Graphs and ROI

In this assignment, you should add three charts to the project at the ROI section on how this EBM plan improvements will impact the resources of the company in the mid-long term. These charts can be about:

Current and future Business Analyst position needs and employee numbers in 5 years.
The financial impact of the current and future Business Analyst position needs and employee numbers in 5-10 years.
Potential Return On Investment (ROI) of the new Analysts salaries in 5 years.
Comparison of different Analytics tools in terms of cost and ROI. (For Ex: Python is free but it needs the hiring of experts, Tableau is X$/year but the learning curve is small for current employees.
Ranking of various departments and their EBM needs depending on the efficiency of what the Analyst and tools can bring. (Maintenance department needs dashboards that costs 100k/year but we can save 500k/year by the efficiency added by these dashboards.
Forecasting product efficiency rates over time comparing it with the investment costs. (For Ex. The new scheduling software that is developed in the Airline Operator company has an initial cost of 1M$ in a year for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) than 300k/year for maintenance. It will improve the scheduling efficiency by 10% and valued as 1M$ savings per year.)

You can benefit from the following article to select the best charts for your business story:

25 Dashboard Design Principles & Best Practices To Enhance Your Data Analysis

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