Family Ethical Dilemma

Answer the following question:

What are some of the unique ethical quandaries that therapists face when they work with the family system?

Your response should be a minimum of 350 words, in proper APA format with appropriate in-text citations and works cited at the end of the response.

Signs of



I. Intimacy distortions

falling in love with client
parentification of client
II. Inadequate boundaries

not noticing boundary invasion
overresponsible for client
overinvolvement with client
overidentification with client
role confusion/reversal
inappropriate touch
being manipulated by client’s unreasonable demands
responding to inappropriate personal questions
acting on sexual attraction

Social Relationship
In a social relationship, you:
Share mutual ideas, feelings, and experiences
May allow the relationship to deepen
Give and receive friendship and pleasure
Use social communication, such as advice, opinions, and judgments
Choose discussion at will
Rarely evaluate the interactions
Trade advice, suggestions, and opinions freely
Don’t plan a time limit in duration or frequency of contact

Therapeutic Relationship
In a Therapeutic Relationship, you
Focus on the individual’s ideas, feelings, and experiences
Offer therapeutic help to the person you’re helping
Confine relationships to the workrelated setting
Encourage the client to choose the discussion topic
Evaluate, with the individual, her/his interactions and progress related to defined

Encourage the person’s problem solving without interjecting your own preference
Address and redirect any interactions that approach boundary violations
Establish timelimited interactions with an expected termination

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