WRITING PROMPT: Read the Articles of Confederation (1777) and the United States Constitution (1787), available through the course website. https://www.loc.gov/item/rbpe.17802600/ https://wwwarchives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript Compare Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution with Article VIII of the Articles of Confederation, and write an essay that compares the documents and considers the following questions:
What are the means of taxation specified in each document? Who collects the taxes and how are those taxes assessed, and for what purposes? Why do you think this provision of the Articles was changed in the Constitution?
Write an essay in complete sentences and paragraphs that addresses the above questions – though “why do you think” is a question that calls for your imagination as much as your analysis of the documents.
CITATION INSTRUCTIONS: Cite these sources in parentheses after any quote or claim that comes from the document itself – for example (Constitution, Article I Section 8). To cite the course lectures, write (“Politics and Party Formation” lecture). If you need to cite other sources, use the following citation form: https://jah.oah.org/submit/stylesheet/
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your paper should be 500-1000 words long. Put your name on the first page, along with a title for the paper that expresses its central claim. State this claim in your introduction and support it with evidence drawn primarily from the reading under consideration (this is primary source analysis, and your chance to read closely the US Constitution!).
Compose your paper in a word-processing software before submitting it to Blackboard. That way, if anything goes wrong with the software, you still have a copy available.