Using the spreadsheet attached below, continue to populate the materials matrix with flooring materials.

There is one example in the first row you can go based off of, fill-in all the cells unless . You should have a minimum of one type in each of the following materials represented. Feel free to add any additional flooring materials or additional varieties from those on the list. Many of the types listed have multiple species or sub-types which should be included in the matrix. i.e. wood has a great number of species.

Use Excel sheet

Add the following to your materials matrix and analyze as per directed in column headings:

  1. Bamboo,
  2. Brick,
  3. Carpet,
  4. Carpet Tile,
  5. Cementitious top coatings (Epoxy),
  6. Ceramic Tile,
  7. Composite Floor Tiles,
  8. Concrete,
  9. Cork,
  10. Engineered and/or Laminated Wood,
  11. Glass,
  12. Linoleum (Marmoleum),
  13. Leather,
  14. Metal,
  15. Mosaic Tile,
  16. Oriented Strand Board (OSB),
  17. Plywood,
  18. Rubber,
  19. Stone,
  20. Terrazzo,
  21. Terra Cotta Tile,
  22. Vinyl,
  23. Wood


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