Read Chapter One of your textbook titled, Africa the Cradle of Human Beginning, pp. 70-91, and write your essay on the origin of humanity by answering the following four questions in 500+ word essay.
1. Discuss the monogenetic theory and the polygenetic (multiregional) hypothesis regarding the origin of humanity. To answer this question fully, read Chapter One carefully and discuss the arguments put forward by both theories and the major evidence that support their claims, if any. Also, address why some anthropologists, like Milford Wolpoff and Charles Dawson tried to falsify scientific evidence to refute the existence of a single human race. Write your closing remark about the origin of humanity using supporting evidence.
2. Discuss the role of the Northern and Southern routes/gates in facilitating the “Out of Africa” journey. To answer this question fully, read Chapter One and write a coherent analysis on how Africans left first thru the Northern Gate about 120,000 years ago; describe in detail what happened to them. Secondly, describe the Second Out of Africa Journey, the year, places of origin, and arrival destination.
3. Identify: a) Homo erectus; b) Neanderthal; and c) Homo sapiens. Discuss the difference between Homo erectus, Neanderthal, and Homo sapiens; write why the species called Neanderthal finally vanished and became instinct; Assess the scientific DNA of Neanderthal conducted by Mathias Krings and its implications. You may use J. Desmond Clark’s work, a distinguished anthropologist in the field of pre-history of Africa, to help you document chronologically the paleo-anthropologist’s Radiocarbon [c-14] dating system.
4. Define Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the Y-Chromosomes and discuss how they are used to support the origin and dispersal of modern humans out of Africa. Write your closing remark on your understanding of Africa as the home of humankind.
To answer this question fully, read the quote in the opening remark of chapter one and the Pre-Historic Period –the Origin of Humanity, pp 70-75. Write your closing remark on Stephen Oppenheimer’s observations of modern human.