Writing Assignment #4: Context

Writing Assignment #4 will possibly turn out to be the most important part of your research paper. You should have all the necessary material already at your finger Cps, because you have already identified your sources (See Writing Assignment #

1). Using the sources you have gathered (you should have at least five by this point, and none of them should be Wikipedia:

a), write two pages which explains and explores the context of the work you have selected.

When Art Historians say “context”, what we mean is this: What were the circumstances of the creation of the work you are discussing?

That’s pretty broad, and will depend entirely on what work you are writing about You, as the scholar, should try to include what it most important about the context of the work.

It could be any/all/some of the following:

The artist’s life and training

Patronage of the work (who paid for rt, how and why is was commissioned)

Political Circumstances when the the work was made

Religious circumstances when the the work was made

Philosophical movements of the time

Other major forms of cultural expression from the same period

Contemporary scientific and geographic knowledge

Original setting of the work

Original use of the work

You should write at least 1000 words, maybe more.


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