Write a short paragraph of about 5 sentences explaining the collage. Add 10 pictures to the word document.
These are just a few major areas, but there are so many more where we see a British influence:
theatre and film
Collage Assignment
Think of an aspect of British culture that interests you. You may choose from the list above, or select your own area. Using a Google document, Google Presentation slides, or old school paper and magazines and scissors, make a COLLAGE to represent how this aspect of culture is evident in both nations. You are welcome to assemble pics found online in a Google presentation slide and then add the one-paragraph explanation on the next slide. Your collage must include the following:
No fewer than ten images—words are optional on the collage itself (10 points)
A one-paragraph explanation (either attached to the collage or separate)—(10 points)
Neatness, Creativichoty (10 points)