Apply the writing process to produce a 3-4 page paper (exclusive of title and reference pages).
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
· Choose a new health care topic you find interesting but are not familiar with. THIS TOPIC WILL ALSO BE USED FOR WEEKS 7 & 8 SO BE SURE IT IS SUFFICIENT TO MEET THOSE REQUIREMENTS.
· Conduct a search of the library databases and internet for four to five scholarly references less than five-years old [2015-2019]
· Use the template for this assignment and prepare your outline based upon what information your search has provided.
· Ensure your paper has a title page, content page[s], an introductory paragraph, with a minimum of two Level 1 headings, at least two Level 2 headings under each of the Level 1 headings, two Level 3 headings underneath two of the Level 2 headings with MEAL paragraphs under each heading, a conclusion [an additional Level 1 heading], and a reference page.
· Ensure each of your references is used and properly cite with in-text citations.
· Use correct APA formatting throughout.
Title of Your Paper
Start with the introductory paragraph: 5-7 sentences. Your thesis for this paper should have 2 pieces of evidence.
Level 1 Heading-a
Use this space to discuss evidence piece # 1. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
Level 2 Heading-b
The first supporting idea will be placed here. Use this space to support one idea in the evidence piece # 1 above [Level 1-a]. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
Level 3 Heading
Use this space to support one idea in the Level 2-b topic above. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences.
Level 3 Heading
Use this space to support another idea in the Level 2-b topic above. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences.
Level 2 Heading-c
Use this space to support another idea in the evidence piece # 1 above [Level 1-a]. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
Level 1 Heading-d
Use this space to discuss evidence piece # 2. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
Level 2 Heading-e
The first supporting idea will be placed here. Use this space to support one idea in the evidence piece # 2 above [Level 1-d]. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
Level 3 Heading
Use this space to support one idea in the Level 2-e topic above. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences.
Level 3 Heading
Use this space to support another idea in the Level 2-e topic above. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences.
Level 2 Heading-f
The second supporting idea will be placed here. Use this space to support one idea in the evidence piece # 2 above [Level 1-d]. Use MEAL paragraphs of 3-5 sentences to complete this thought.
End with the conclusion paragraph: 5-7 sentences. Remember that this is the opposite of broad to narrow introductory opening. This one is narrow to broad. See course instructions.