(UK) CTECH Health & Social Care


You are a volunteer in a care setting (health, social care or child care) that is currently recruiting for care assistants. As part of the recruitment campaign, the care setting is hosting a series of informal visits from prospective applicants so that they can get a sense of what the working environment is like and what skills, knowledge and values they will need to help them decide if they would like to apply for a job.

You have been asked to support these visits by preparing materials for the visitors that will help them understand some of the skills, knowledge and values required for working in this, and similar, settings. You will also be shadowed by the visitors as you carry out your duties and interact with the individuals that require care or support.

You will draw on your knowledge of effective communication in different contexts which is presented in different forms. These tasks may also give you the opportunity to draw knowledge from other health and social care units.

Your task is to:

Prepare and present a case study on strategies used to ensure a person-centred approach to care.

In this case study you could:

Explain strategies which could be used to ensure a person centred approach

Analyse how a person-centred approach would support the building of a positive relationship with the individual in this case study.

Your task is to:

Prepare and deliver a presentation to the visitors.

Presentation materials could include:

Explanation of the different types of relationships practitioners in health and social care are likely to build. Although the environments will vary from person to person, the types of relationships will remain the same.

Information on the different relationship contexts.

An analysis of the likely impact the context may have on relationships

Produce a video or role plays to present to the visitors that shows you effectively interacting with individuals who require care and support in both one-to-one and group settings.

Produce a booklet on the factors that can influence the building of positive relationships in health, social care and child care settings that can be handed out to the visitors at the end of their visit and they can review at home to help inform their decision to apply or not.


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