Federalism (American Government)

News Journals require you to relate current events to the topics covered within POS 2041, American National Government. For this Journal you will select your own news article related to Federalism (Chapter 3) from any major newspaper, magazine, journal, and other news media. The article you select will determine your success on this Journal. You may also choose from one of the news articles listed below.

Welcome Back, Federalism–Dems Begin to Champion State’s Rights


U.S. Suspends Nuclear Arms Control Treaty With Russia

Block grants spur economic development partnerships


What Republicans and Democrats Are Doing In the States Where They Have Total Power

What Republicans And Democrats Are Doing In The States Where They Have Total Power

FDA Chief: Federal Government Might Step In if States Don’t Change Lax Vaccine Laws


To Pay for Opioid Crisis, Minnesota Raises Fees on Drug Companies


Congress Should Take Back Its Authority Over Tariffs

Congress Should Take Back Its Authority Over Tariffs

Opinion: Congress leads the way in rebalancing US foreign policy toward prevention

Congress Should Take Back Its Authority Over Tariffs

As you review the articles you will find that some are fairly direct while other reveal the complexity of federal issues. Chose the article that you are most comfortable with and then fully address each of the following requirements:

Summary – Summarize in paragraph form the facts and issues presented in the article. Document the source of your information with a parenthetical reference, i.e. (Sanger and Broad, 2019, para. 4).

Application – Apply three or more concepts from the assigned chapter to the main ideas in the news article. Specifically explain how the material in your textbook is illustrated in the article you are examining. This can be accomplished by using examples from the article and terms or concepts found in the textbook. You must clearly define the concepts and provide in-text citations in the APA format, including page or section/paragraph numbers, i.e. (Krutz, 2019, p. 15) or (Krutz, 2019, para. 12) for our textbook.

Analysis – Conclude with an analysis and reflection of the issue that includes reasoning related to concepts within POS 2041 an analysis of the article perspective. Does the article present the issue in a way that influences as well as informs. Lastly, include your own observations of the issue, the actions of those involved or an anticipated outcome related to your understanding of the concepts covered within the course.


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