The Effects of Video Games on Children

Apply the writing process to produce a 3-4 page paper (exclusive of title and reference pages).

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

Choose a new health care topic you find interesting but are not familiar with. Conduct a search of the library databases and internet for four to five scholarly references less than five-years old [2015-2019]

Use the template for this assignment and prepare your outline based upon what information your search has provided.

Ensure your paper has a title page, content page[s], an introductory paragraph, with a minimum of two Level 1 headings, at least two Level 2 headings under each of the Level 1 headings, two Level 3 headings underneath two of the Level 2 headings with MEAL paragraphs under each heading, a conclusion [an additional Level 1 heading], and a reference page.

Ensure each of your references is used and properly cite with in-text citations.

Use correct APA formatting throughout.

Run your paper through Grammarly and revise accordingly.

Use the Scholarly Writing Checklist.

Include any suggested corrections from feedback for the Week 4 and Week 5 papers.

If you are an English Language Learner, ask a native English speaker for suggestions.

Use at least three methods of review/proofing prior to submission.


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