
This week we covered the endocrine system, which constitutes a major regulatory system that coordinates multiple tissue functions to maintain homeostasis.

Thus, it is not surprising that pathways of the endocrine system (e.g. growth hormone) have key roles in regulating homeostasis and can modulate lifespan and/or health span.

  1. pick one hormone and discuss how it may affect the process of biological aging.
  2. then discuss how that hormone coordinates with other components of endocrine system.
  3. then expand on your thoughts from #1 based on the physiological ramifications of the concerted endocrine changes over time from #2.
  4. ultimately, how would this knowledge influence your approach to interventions (dietary, lifestyle, pharmacological, genetic, etc) to promote healthy lifespan?

Suggested readings:

Milman-2016-The somatotropic axis in human agi.pdf




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