Seek out someone who is “new” to you and whose life experience has been different from yours. If you have always lived in a rural setting, you might request an interview with a person from a metropolitan area. If you have never had much contact with older adults, or persons with disabling conditions, and don’t feel comfortable in the company of these populations, seek out such an individual for your interview.

Stretch your comfort level for this assignment. The person can be a member of a “special population” based on race, ethnicity, nation of origin, gender or sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion or spiritual beliefs, physical or mental condition, age, etc.

Your paper should be at least 6 pages in length. No more than two pages should focus on the person’s life story and your own reflection on the similarities and differences between your life story and theirs.

Focus on how their condition, race, gender, etc. effected and shaped who they are. Bring a hard copy to class and submit on BB as well. This assignment is worth 100 points.


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