Complete the CEEP assignment

At this point in the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers process, you should complete research question formulation, assessment methodology development, data gathering. Finish the analysis of your data and bring your data to life using charts and diagrams.

By answering questions about the research based on the matrix, you can compose several paragraphs for each section.

Keep in the front of your mind as you write the project up; this research is about getting to know a community.

Discuss the write-up from this perspective and regarding entrepreneurship within the community and neighborhood.

The final report of the research project should include overarching areas organized by:

Introduction (Matrix: Question)

Research question summary

Context or neighborhood chosen

Why purpose and community first research

Methods (Matrix: Gather & Assess)

Describe the method chosen for gathering research data/information

Describe the analysis method for data/information

Results (Matrix: Assess & Report)

Describe in detail the results of the analysis

Describe in detail the results of the community report-back


What implications does this research have for the future

Offer your opinion about the research overall

What effect do you think it had on the community / specific people


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