Project step 1: Topic 1 page…due sep 30
Project step 2: Outline 1 page…due oct 1
Project step 3: Final Paper 8 pages (4 concepts).
Final Paper:
Developing a design project/product of your choosing. Any source or conception of your own creation.

Choose fundamental engineering design concepts / elements to present your project/product to help you illustrate a full design analysis of the concept.

You must include in the project /product write up;

1- An Abstract and an opening introduction that will be a one-page summary of what your
project/product is about.
2- The body of the paper, which includes;
i- General topic details of the project/product
ii- Technical content details of the project/product
iii- Research content details of the project/product
iv- Cost / resource details of the project/product
3 – A Summary / Conclusion. Your assessment of the outcome of your analysis of the
project/product. Your opinion.
4- Format, layout, and organization

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