Number Representation

  1. Unsigned Integers

If we have an n-digit unsigned numeral dn-1dn-2…d0 in radix (or base) r, then the value of that numeral is , which is basically saying that instead of a 10’s or 100’s place we have an r’s or r 2 ’s place. For binary, decimal, and hex r equals 2, 10, and 16, respectively.

Just a reminder that in order to write down a large number, we typically use the IEC or SI

prefixing system:

IEC: Ki = 210

, Mi = 220

, Gi = 230

, Ti = 240

, Pi = 2


, Ei = 260

, Zi = 270

, Yi = 280


SI: K = 103

, M = 106

, G = 109

, T = 1012

, P = 1015

, E = 1018

, Z = 1021

, Y = 1024


1.1 Conversions

  1. (12 pts) Convert the following from their initial radix to the other two common radices:

0b01011100, 0x123A, 221, 0b11011001, 0xC16F, 43

  1. (12 pts) Write the following using IEC prefixes: 213

, 223

, 251

, 272

, 226

, 244

  1. (12 pts) Write the following using SI prefixes: 107

, 1017

, 1011

, 1022

, 1026

, 1015

  1. (6 pts) Write the following with powers of 10: 70 K, 100 E, 21 G
  2. (6 pts) Write the following with powers of 2: 7 Mi, 6 Ei, 24 Ki


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