Topic: Store Choice and Purchase — Journal

Step 1: Research & Reflect

Choose one of the discussion prompts below to research and write about. Please don’t forget to create a relevant title at the top of your post so we know what prompt you have chosen.

Shopping Orientation – Why do People Shop? Choose two shopping motives (one personal motive and one social motive).

Then, for each of your chosen shopping motives:

Explain the chosen shopping motives in your own words.

Find a picture or video clip for EACH motive you have chosen and describe each motive you have chosen with a story:

Give an example for each motive you have chosen. You can either give a personal example/story, talk about a famous person or character example, find a meme to describe and talk about, find a movie clip or youtube clip, advertisement, etc.

Discuss any marketing implications.

Perceived Risks for Store Choice and Purchase: You have learned about the types of risks that influence retail outlet choice and selection in section 17.3 📗 | Consumer Characteristics that affect the Amounts and Brands Purchased. Now it’s time to show your understanding.

In your own words, fully explain some of these perceived risks.

Using examples not already provided in Canvas (e.g. do some research if you can’t think of anything), apply and give an example for each risk you discuss.

In your discussion, make sure you specify why each risk relates to stage four of the decision making process, store choice and purchase (i.e. the risk cannot just be about a product being used or just about the characteristics of the product itself).

Finally, discuss strategies that marketers can take to reduce the perception of these risks.

Evaluative Criteria for Retail Outlets: How do you choose where to buy? Think about recent purchases you have made and do some research about how others choose where/how to buy. List, describe, and provide examples of the different types of evaluative criteria used in choosing a retail outlet. Discuss marketing implications and best practices.


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